Thursday 15 October 2015

Oct 16th

Taveuni happenings......
Old tires are toys here. The boys use their imaginations to create all sorts of games.

Elder Jonutz gets a parcel..

Yipee! A new hoody!

Cock -Fighting on the island is legal. Although we haven't been to one yet we see some huge roosters and hear stories.

This man is so proud of his rooster. A string is tied to the roosters leg to keep him from running away!

"Family Night", a fun branch activity! We watched a session of conference together!

These are  two of the  young women from Somosomo branch.

This is little Latiana who was baptized not to long ago!

Of course, all family nights must be completed with treats. The evening temperature dropped to  plus 20 degrees. So we had hot chocolate and cookies. 

Even the huge tree branches bud out like ferns.

Elder Noble, Taveuni's District Leader writes out the agenda.

It's good to keep everyone on track and focused.

Elder Noble's 7th meeting, who is counting?

Our district enjoys lunch out.

Our grocery store has interesting shoppers.

Elder Sarufa, who took the last photo, must be included.

On the timer , the photo actually worked! For those who know how technical I am, this will be impressive.

Elder Sarufa  and Elder Tera help Elder Vermeeren put together new bunk beds at the Qeleni flat. 

Whatever the project is they are always happy to help!

Elder Tera was good at reading directions.

So Awesome to have success so quickly!  

They helped put the cover back on the truck, then  they went with us to clean up books at the Matei Chapel. Then they spent the rest the day visiting families. It is wonderful to see the energy and dedication our young missionaries have. 

I am always impressed to see the young children walking with their arms around each other. They are very dedicated to each other. Rather than calling a cousin a cousin, as we do they call them cousin brothers or cousin sisters. 

On Friday we started getting rain. The forecast said,"Tons of rain coming , by next Saturday there should be more sun then clouds" (Quote)

Everyone just continued on . When your racing barefoot anyway, it doesn't much matter what the weather is.

They rain continued coming down.

The streams started to fill up and the volume increased.

These are some handsome young men waiting at the bus stop.

The two ferryboats, the Princess and Egione often race to the dock in Taveuni. This time the Princess is in the lead. 

Our Zone Leaders Elder Condie and Elder Gunderson arrive in Taveuni

Elder Gunderson does a "split" with Elder Brown. More families can be visited when they are here.

Elder Noble is an great photographer. 
He easily photographs himself, Elder Condie , and Elder Brown. 

The majority of people walk barefoot, carrying their shoes. 

We were asked to go to the hospital to give a blessing to this little three year old, who was having convulsions. The little boy's name was Joseph Smith! 

One of the Special moments of being a missionary. 

We had fun putting on a lunch for the Elders!

What a Blessing it is to be around the missionaries!
Elder Barnaby, Elder Tera, and Elder Sarufa.

Elder Condie and Elder Jonutz .

The rain is still coming down.

This afternoon the winds picked up,

It is getting quite muddy,

Sister Singh asked me to go with her to the Dental Clinic. Twist my rubber arm....

I was told once the procedure began, Fiji law prohibits any photography.

This dentist was trained in Suva. He works Monday and Friday at the clinic. On Tuesday,Wednesday, and Thursday, he has a portable chair and generator he takes to the schools to do mostly extractions. He said 90% of his work is extractions. He charges $5.00 Fijian for extractions. ( about $3.50 canadian) and $8.00  Fijian filling .

There were two operatories. The amazing thing was the doctor did everything himself. He stayed at the clinic until all patients were seen. The patients"cue" up in the morning. The Dentist checks them in, does the procedure by himself, (no assistant) then he cleans the instruments, collects the money , writes a receipt, and at the end of the day cleans the office!  He says some days he sees 27 to 30 patients. 
I asked him about a hygienist. He said that people were so poor, they only visit when they were in pain or swollen.

There was an autoclave there,   but still  3rd world country conditions.

The cold boats were dry, there was no solutions in them. The dentist put on about six pair of gloves. He just peels off a pair of gloves as needed. With what he has to work with, it is quite amazing he can do what he does. Amalgam is commonly used. He asked me if I would be willing to help him. I did load his amalgam for him. 

He said he does not use his X-ray machine very much unless he has to. There is no developer in the clinic so  he would have to leave the patient to go up to the hospital to develop the X-ray.

There is  more  extensive dental care on other islands. 

This man had a cowboy hat to keep the rain off. I told him that many people wore cowboy hats in Calgary. I taught him how to say Howdy Partner! 

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