Saturday 30 May 2015

May 31st

Taveuni, Fiji .
Reusing paper diapers that have been just introduced to the island.
One scary pig!


Exercising for their rugby team.

"Fixs your eyes on Jesus"

building a fence to keep the wild boars out.
Boganvilla flower.

Elder Noble and Painter

Residential Somosomo

High school rock garden project. Everybody carries two rocks up to place on the garden path.

Water Fountain fun.

Rugby practice starts young.

School classes designated by their shirt colour.

Elder Carter and Elder "K"

Waiting for the bus with a tree top view.

So Cool..

Elder Makavaha and Elder Sarufa

Drenched by the rain 

Preparing for the big game. They play tournaments every Saturday!

Elder Noble and Painter with the Vuna Children.
A pickup truck full.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

May 28th The week in Taveuni

Making Crafts....A  woven placemat...
Sorta like "Craft Club"...

So many items to choose from..

War clubs....

Ceremonial masks..


Painted wall hangings
Rag floor mats


Elder Makavaha and Elder Noble 


Somewhere under the rainbow......
Elder Makavaha and Elder Noble heading to a member's home.

A Matei Branch family prepare weaving strips.

Long tedious work...

While the little ones nap.

A Palm tree (not a coconut tree)

Sister Mohammed making Dahla for Supper.

One of her four sons watch as President Mohammed visits with us.

Drying spot at the end of a days work.

Elder Painter and Elder Sarufa

Elder Painter and Elder Sarufa

A get together after district meeting.

Pulling in the nets.

Elder Vermeeren explaining..we must take the paper off first...

Carrying home our new mat.

Helping mom at the market.