Friday 27 November 2015

Nov 29th

Ne Sa Bula Vinaka!
Visits in the rain

The Princess in the School Drama.

Suitors for the princess.

Hula Dancers.

Sister Morgan joins in.

Our Buddy Jordan.

Certificates were given for best attendance, grades, etc.

This little  fellow sang a song about the Tagimoucia Flower

A Savy M.C.

Lani awaits her award.

Rohan dances.

The Kindergarten children dance in their Tagimocia flower attire.

The Singh Sisters receive awards!

Grandma and Dad join in .

Elder Dunn and Elder Mclean help move a canopy tent into the Vuna Chapel.

It will be wonderful to add a room to the chapel area.

Our "Fit" Elders scale the door.

with ease.

Leaving a message with Brother  Muri and his family.

Everyone loves to hear of our Saviour, Jesus Christ , and his Love for them.

Elder Dunn passes  out ,"I want to see the Temple" stickers to the children.

Elder Mclean shares scriptures from the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

This mother of twelve received a pass along card with a picture of the Saviour  on it. She would like the Elders to return and visit with her family.

A service project for Elder Barnaby and Elder Jonutz. 

Preparing for a rugby game.

Elder Jonutz sweeps with a Fijian broom.

The Elders do service project each Thursday.

A rugby tournament  called "The Paris "is happening this weekend.

Lots of people are attending, even though It has been raining all week.

Elder Afatasi and Elder Tera visiting  families.

Elder Tera, Peter, and Elder Afatasi.

A proud Mom shows us photos of her missionary son.

It's always fun to pass out treats!

Elder Afatsi and Elder Tera start a game with the children.

The Rugby Tournament

Mango Baby Ellen

Transport for a  Rugby Team


School Awards day.

Kindergarden Graduation.

The Singh Sisters both achieve Awards!

Jaza and Sister Vermeeren

Rohan and his mom Visheel

One of the School Trustees.

The parents have wrapped gifts prepared for their children and make them a lei to celebrate. Rohan got a bubble blower in one of his!

Visheel designed and laminated all the certificates for the entire school!
Sister Fanene and Sister Malito demonstrate the weight of sin and the ABC's of removing that weight. Sister Malito held out the books until this principle was explained. It really was a relief to set them down or "repent"!
A - Admit, B- Be Sorry, C- Confess and Correct, D-Don't do it again, E Endure faithfully to the end! 
We were given yummy Sweet Pineapples that Brother Chand grew at his home! The best we have ever tasted!
The sisters also enjoyed a sweet treat!
Teaching in the Rain!
Fun in the Rain!
The end of another Wonderful Week in Taveuni, Fiji!