Sunday 31 January 2016

Feb 1

Happy Birthday John  Feb 2
Happy Birthday Jared  Feb2
Happy Birthday Rachel  Feb 25th
We have Elders leaving and Elders coming!

Elder Afatasi is leaving to be a Zone Leader in Savusavu ,but will return for a monthly visit.

Still celebrating the New Year...A Few people at the dock were pushed into the water..they were very happy, as it was a hot day!

Some one threw this man's boots in , he jumped in after them.

Not Men in Black...but Men in Skirts...okay sulu's.

The serious photo....

Elder Afatasi and Elder Amisone.

Elder Jonutz and Elder Vitiarai.

Elder McLean and Elder Afatasi

Elder Afatasi and Elder Dunn.

Elder Mclean and Elder Dunn.

Elder Jonutz and Afatasi.

Elder Vermeeren ,Elder Afatasi, and Sister Vermeeren.

The Egi one is full and leaving to Bucca Bay.

Elder Afatasi leaves on the Princess.

It's a hot day at the Ferry Dock!

Elder Afatasi is withering away!

Time to leave!

Pushing off!

Goodbye Elder Afatasi! We wish you well!

The Elder's Shout..."Hooray for Israel".....

Some one missed the boat, so it turned around , let them on and left again....only in Fiji!

Tomorrow two more Elders leave to their next assignment...

Island Beauty....

This blossom is larger than my hand!

Elder Vitiarai demonstrates how a cow horn is to be worn...

He does it well hands....

Elder Mclean is on to a new assignment...
Elder Dunn and Elder McLean.

Elder Jonutz and Elder McLean will be moving on to new of course they have the farewell,"pick your favourite cookie"treat.

We wish them well... They will be missed.

Sad but true....

Farewell Elder Jonutz...

And Elder McLean.

Still Washing in the New Year!!!!

Somebody got Elder Vermeeren wet!

We all know you just don't get away with that....

Elder Vermeeren sneaks up to the front of the boat...
You can run but you can't hide......

Elder Dunn checks out his weight....

Elder Vitiarai demonstrates a handless held phone.

Whoa! What a sunset!

A Stick insect.

This fruit tastes similar to our grapes. The inside seed is edible and tastes like a nut.

Fishing equipment . A bottle to wind the line around and a exacto knife to cut up the little fish used for bait.

Welcome the first of our new Elders ...Elder Roberts and Elder Jones.

Elder Roberts, Elder Amisone, Elder Dunn, and Elder Jones.

The official welcome treat!

Elder Dunn and Elder Jones arrive home.
Elder Jones is from Ogden, Utah.

Soqulu village, down the road from us.

The Elders!

The Sister..the rest of our sisters return next week.

These sweet missionaries are on their way home...Missions completed.
Three have served on Taveuni Island..Far right on the  top row, Elder Carter.
On the bottom row, Sister Malito, and next to her Elder Childers. 

Celebrating a New Courts Store opening.

Our newest Elder on Taveuni Island is Elder DeBaltzo. Welcome!!!

Enjoying E-mail time with Elder Dunn , Elder Amisone....

Elder Roberts, Elder Jones, and Elder Vitiarai...

We visited a few schools to get official permission for 12-18 years old L.D.S. ( The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints) members permission to miss a few days to participate in the Temple Cultural Event . It will be attended by the Prime minister. Most of the Youth in Fiji will be involved in the program of song and dance demonstrating their heritage. 

We arrived at lunch time to this school.

We were pleased to receive a toothbrushing demonstration!

We Love the wonderful children of Fiji!