Saturday 23 May 2015

May 24th Coastal Walk ...New Elders Arrive!

While awaiting our new Elders,we went on a coastal walk...
A recent burial plot....

We walked through a sandy beach area through a small village.

This is a kindergarden at play time.

A primary class during instruction.

Our coastal walk continues..

These are night flowers,they fall from the trees when the sun rises.

Volcanic rocks in Taveuni are common.

Beautiful waterfalls everywhere.

Elder Vermeeren found another use for the night flowers....

The women are also handy with a machette

A cava nursery.

Cava is exported off the island.

These plants are used as paint brushes and shaving brushes.

A swinging bridge. The villagers charge for people to walk along this walk, they maintain it, and will  provide guides for a fee, to support their village

...Dense rainforest beauty below.

Strong cords were woven as rails.

This plant is called cat's whiskers.

This is tree fern. It was used in mattress's and pillows before they became available here.

Springs draining into the ocean.

If you touch this little fern it closes immediately.

Simone told us in the late 1800's the cannibals would hit this tree with a coconut to let the tribe know there were lunch victims approaching. He demonstrated this. The hollow sound of the tree was loud and clear.

A bird's nest tree.

There were other falls further to the left that people can swim in when they take this walk. 

Simone was very handy with his machette.

The inside of this tree was very soft, and moldable.

The sounds and sights were beautiful.

A little scary as he tightened the bridge connections on our way back....

Sugar cane.

Bamboo Tree.

A sugar cane treat.

Yup, this is yummy.

The waves at low tide.

Pedestal rocks at low tide.

A Tree Frog .

Simone was an awesome guide,we recommend using him if you come to visit.There were lots of other things to see,but you'll have to discover them yourself.

Preparing  fresh coconut water.

Pretty tasty.

Pretty cool adventure for our first real "p" day trip.

The meat was like a jelly consistency.

Interesting texture.

A King Fisher.

An underground spring from off the mountain.

Driftwood and root structures on the beach.

Out door pool table.

Elder Vermeeren inspects hand cut , with a chain saw, mahogany lengths of wood.

Water lilies.

Helpers at the market.

There are 5 varieties of bats on Taveuni.

If you look closely, this young man has caught a long skinny fish on his right side and holds his bait in his left hand.

School is out .

A colourful bird at the pier.

Back to work! Our Elders have arrived!

Introducing Elder Kanongatas, Elder Makavaha, Elder Sarufa, ElderNoble, Elder Painter and Elder Carter.

Somosomo: Elders Painter and Sarufa at their new flat.

The elders receive keys and phones.

Elder Kanongatas and Elder Carter at their new flat in Matei.

They will work two areas,so this is  their other flat in Qelini.

A busy day comes to an end in Beautiful Taveuni, Fiji!

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