Thursday 3 September 2015

September 4th

Moving day service project,  Preparing our volley ball poles. A upbeat district meeting and family visits.....
Happy Birthday on the 20th to Sasha who will be 5.
Happy Birthday to Jack who will be 7.

Note the unique bark on this plant....

Ura helps me with the yard..and today the house!  She is a real gem.  We have house guests coming Saturday!

The landscapes are so lovely, you have to pinch yourself occasionally to make sure your are actually here. 

These men are kindly welding our volleyball posts for us. They are pleased that these would be used for members and non member at our church buildings. 

They are loaded in the truck. The next step will be next week,  we will be placing concrete in tires to stabilize the poles and make them movable.

A new bus has arrived on the island. 

A rainbow over the ocean.

Our "Fun "district meeting this week.Out of the ordinary.... Each of the Elders was given an topic and asked to have a little fun with then bringing it back to the correct and proper  message.Elder Alonzo gives a scriptural math equation.

Elder Sarufa has an interesting presentation. He feels if we get lots of pretty girls to attend church, it will fill to the brim with young men...Of course he was joking and made us all laugh before he seriously  taught the proper way to be an example to others.

Elder Carter explains a little bit of history between New Zealand and Australia with a scriptural twist. It was good to see the sense of humour then seriousness return of our faithful Elders. They work so hard each day as they serve the people of Fiji!

Elder Barnaby gave an "on the spot" presentation of Spiritual happiness and remembered a game his father played called swingman. We had fun guessing the letters to his code. 

Elder Brown talked about Following our Leaders...specifically referring to his Mom several times!

Elder Noble just wanted us all to remember that missionary work can be fun!!! We ended with a good feeling of how the gospel can bring us and others happiness when we use our talents to love and serve   others. 

The humanitarian Couple the Roth's came over to Taveuni to inspect gardens. Elder Carter and Barnaby joined us.

No Elder Vermeeren and President Bautura are not dancing...

A moving day project for the Elders..

They worked very hard to move a family to their new home...

Cool Moss growing on a tree. This moss was used to fill mattress's and pillows before they were introduced to the Island.

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to work we go! Yes many of the people here use horses as transport. The vehicles here are mostly small taxis. Most people walk or bus across the Island. 

Some work...Some make refreshments....The workers sitting are enjoying green coconuts which have the best coconut milk. It is easy to have snacks right in the trees close to your job site. Sugar Cane, bananas ,papaya , and other delicious foods are  always close by.

Elder Gunderson and Elder Condie  arrive on the Egi One to do some training.

They usually bring in mail from home to the Elders too!

They brought us an awesome gift for staying with us...So cool

It is always fun to be with the Elders.

This are the beautiful place mats Elder Gunderson  and Elder Condie brought us. 

Elder Brown and Elder Condie walk up the road.

The Elders call out to a family before they reach the house..If the family is home the spread out a mat then invite the Elders to come in. If the door is closed , This means they are usually not there.

They are welcomed in to visit, sit cross legged on the mat  and leave their message. The people love to hear their about Jesus Christ and his love for them.

We later stop at the blow holes. Elder Condie is pleased to see them.

Elder Brown also thinks they are neat.

Elder Brown, Elder Noble, Elder Condie, and Elder Gunderson. We are blessed to have hard working faithful Elders through out Fiji and all over the world.

Elder Brown is so happy to be serving!

back to work....

The paths are always green and beautiful.

Elder Gunderson has a chance to see the Blow hole on our way back to the village.

These workers are removing trees to make way for our new electrical wires that we will shortly be getting on Taveuni.

Everyone is excited to see the electric poles being placed .

This is our service centre for repair of vehicles. We have no tow trucks on the Island so everyone who has a vehicle must be sure they have a spare tire in good condition. We also have no car washes..Elder Vermeeren washes our truck frequently.

Wonderful Market tables with very sweet Ladies working at them. This is full fish with the heads intact at the front of the table.

Everyone has such wonderful smiles here!

Demonstrating how to remove the sucker wrappers.

Elder Barnaby and Elder Carter with a family who want to know more about the Church.

Elder Carter finds some really neat unique flowers.

So different,yet beautiful..

A large fishing net beside good little friends.

Forever Friends...

The Elders teaching under the shade of  a mango tree.

Flowers growing up the side of a tree. Everything grows so readily. No grass seed is needed they just dump and spread dirt and within a few days grass sprouts up!

Our little friends on their way back home. Note the Blonde hair on the little girl.

This is Paulo and his 2 little children. He is learning about the plan of Salavation . Or the plan of Happiness. Elder Carter has made little cutouts to help them understand.

Elder Vermeeren has the children play the game of grab a lolly and run. They are thrilled to play. It is the one way we discovered that each child gets one lolly. 

The mist coming off the islands across from us in the early morning. This is the Somosomo strait.

The tool of choice for almost every job on the island. 

I watched this man cut the tree down only using his machette.

Elder Carter and Elder Barnaby get mail.
The End of the moving day!!!!!
The Fisher family was very grateful to be in their new home.

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