Thursday 27 August 2015

August 27th

Litiana's Baptism, A departing missionary, and lots of visits.....
This is Litiana,she is eight years old and was baptized last Saturday. She asked if her family could  have the Missionaries come to their home to hear the lessons that people who want to know more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are taught.  That is a pretty neat request from an eight year old. She is a special  young lady.

Elder Sarufa and Elder Alonzo taught the family about what we believe and Litiana wanted to share this special day with her family and friends!

Sister Morgan received her mission call to The Marshall Islands. She stopped by to say goodbye to family and friends as we took her to the boat today. She will be serving for 18 months.

She is travelling as a passenger in the Cargo boat to Suva, a 17 hour journey from our Island of Taveuni. She will be going to New Zealand to the Missionary Training Centre .She is one of the few people in the World that can speak Gilbertese. She was born on Rabi Island which is one of the islands we are responsible for.  After her training she will fly to Marshall Islands.

A new baby in Somosomo Ward.

There are five varieties of bats on the island. These ones swing from the top of the fruit trees at the Garden Island resort.

A driveway lined with palms in a private island home.

This family is taking the Missionary Lessons. They have been together for many years. Now that they have heard about the gospel, they are saving money to get married. Because of the expense, this had not been a priority until now. 

A member sister , who is a friend of the family, and  is very excited for them.

President Alafi's daughter with village children.

Volleyball without the net!

Our first view of the coconut oil factory. We are be getting a tour of this facility soon.

This village has seven  member families in it, on September 6th they will be formed into a group. They now walk about 2 1/2 hours each way to attend Sunday meetings. The Group will be a real blessing to them .

Elder Noble and Elder Brown call out when they get close to a home. This is the polite way to visit.

The family then have you wait while they bring out their mat and invite you in to sit cross legged on it. The family sits on the edge of the mat.

We had an extra guest at this home.

Hangin' out!

The Elders visit with the Korova family.

This is a Catholic church in the village. Our  new group will meet in a home until a place to meet can be located for them.

Each village has about 100 to 500 people in it.

This is a little out of focus as I was laughing when I took it, but did not have the courage to take another shot. A interesting place to lay your head......

Elder Noble gets a drink of coconut milk .

Elder Brown enjoys one too.

A bus broke down on the road. Quite common .

Sister Singh will be our referee on Friday night. We made it official by presenting her with a whistle. She was very pleased!
The plants here remind me of the ones we buy for our homes. I could never keep them alive long. Here the grow everywhere!

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