Wednesday 9 March 2016

March 10th

Farewell to our Sweet Sister Fanene and Awesome Elder Dunn.
Sister Lokotui and Sister Fanene

We are so lucky to have President and Sister Maiwiriwiri have the sisters at their home while a new flat is being completed. Fred Fisher joins the group. 

Sister Maiwiriwiri is a wonderful loving lady, always ready to give to others.

President Ranama, our Somosomo Branch President comes to say goodbye,

Of course their traditional "Thank you for being so awesome" cookies are presented. 

Our district comes to bid farewell and best wishes on new assignments.

Of of course we do have a little drama ......

Our Wonderful district Leader, Elder Vitiaria with Elder Dunn.

Our Four missionaries who came to Fiji in the same "intake"( Arriving in Fiji the same day from the Missionary Training Centre)

Elder Dunn with his Companion Elder Jones served together in Vuna.

We are grateful for their fine service!

We have been blessed with such great missionaries in Taveuni!

Loading onto the Ferry.

                                                          We will miss you!

Elder Amisone loves everyone.

The "Hurrah for Israel" shout!

Our Love and Best Wishes go with you.

Today was a sad day for the Verivalu family. It was the funeral services for their 1 month old daughter and granddaughter.

Great grandpa walks behind the little coffin, carried by family relatives.

President Maiwirwiri  has been so busy ....
LDS charities have provided items for  kits that will be delivered tomorrow in Vuna and Navakawau.
This is a cooking pot with four bowls , four mugs, four spoons. Each Family will receive one set and some two if there families are larger. 

There are many who have lost all their cooking and eating ware.
(Winston Took it!)

1 comment:

  1. Bro and sister Vermeeren, Thank you for everything you have done for my son, Cole. We enjoyed seeing all of those pictures and feeling like we were right there in Taveuni with him. May the Lord bless you for your kind service to the missionaries and people of Fiji❤️
