Thursday 18 June 2015

June 19th Touring the USNS

Touring the USNS Mercy,
Emergency stretchers. (More than a thousand of these on the ship.

A map showing locations of where they have been.

The history of the "Mercy" Ship.

Emergency holding operatories.

They are very modern and well equipped.

Digital Equipment allows for a quick diagnosis.

Digital MRI.

Very modern Equipment.

The ship can accommodate 1000 patients.

While in Port over 100 surgeries were preformed on the Mercy Ship.

They have their own Blood bank. 

Operating rooms are well equipped. Doctors and Nurses from around the world donate equipment, time and expertice.

This Latter Day Saint Doctor is the head of the Surgery department.

They will next go to Papua New Guinea.

The commodore works with several ships. The Captain of this ship is a woman.

This is the pharmacy, they also have a full laboratory and Blood bank. They can have 1000 Patients on board. 

A Mercy Ship Memorable.

We were very impressed with the cleanliness and organization.

Working out...

Our Tour consisted of Government officials, Minister of Health ,Minister of Education ,etc and Senior Latter-day Saint Missionaries.

This is our Senior Missionary group.

Elder Vermeeren now owns a Mercy boat Ballcap.

The tender boat driver.

The Tender Boat Reurns to bring home patients.

The People are so grateful for the services preformed.

It has been nine years since the ship has been in Fiji . Latter-day Saint Charities were instrumental in having the ship return. 

1 comment:

  1. This is really neat! I've never heard of that kind of service. Wonderful! You two look great!!
